Un bel exemple de phishing

Dans les courriers indésirables de nos chères boites mails, on peut trouver de magnifiques perles en matière de phishing. Ce type de message sont purement et simplement des arnaques qui ont pour seul but d’alléger votre compte bancaire. Vous en découvrirez dans la langue de Molière et dans la langue de Shakespeare.

Aujourd’hui, je vous propose de découvrir un beau mail de phishing en anglais :

Attention: Beneficiary,

I am Dr.Moore Frank, the Managing Director of the Standard Character
Bank of Abuja Nigeria.

After the swearing in of our new Prime Minister, Mr.David Camron, held
A meeting on the 12th Day of Nov 2012 at the capital City of Abuja
(Nigeria). The Purpose of the meeting was to address the spoiled image
of our country, the United Nation was so concern about foreigners
complaining about their contract /inheritance payment and also some
Scam Victims, The government of Abuja Nigeria has sign to fixed the
sum of (Ј1,000,000.00) {One Million British Pounds Only into ATM VISA
CARD to pay 100 victims the sum of (Ј1,000,000.00) {One Million
British Pounds each.

Secondly, on the meeting held with all banks including the Standard
Character Bank of Nigeria Governor. early this year, your
name was listed and approved for this payment as one of the victims
and our bank Standard Character Bank of Nigeria was among the listed
bank to pay the 100 of you the sum of (Ј1,000,000.00) {One Million
British Pounds each.

We have resolved in finding a solution to your problem, and as you may
know, we have arranged your payment of (Ј1,000,000.00)One Million
British Pounds) through our ATM CARD (AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE) which
shall be deliver to your door step, this is the instruction given by
our New Prime Minister (Mr. David Cameron) Abuja Nigeria.

This Bank will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw
your money in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world. But the maximum
is (Ј15,000) Fifteen Thousand pounds in three transactions per day.
However, every other thing has been put in place for safe delivery of
the ATM CARD to your Door step.You are hereby advised to stop fast
your dealing with any one regards to the issue of inheritance payment,
Lottery Payment,Contract Payment/investment of any sort and even some
Non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act now and will have
to stop if you wish to receive your payment compensation immediately
Via ATM card payment you are advice to get back to this office with
the following information’s below so that we can get back to you
quickly with full details on how to receive your card.

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Address where you want the payment center to send your ATM CARD:
(3) Phone and Fax Number:
(5)sex/ Age

We shall be expecting to receive your information’s as you are advised
to stop any further communication with anybody or office.Find below is
the contact person who will handle the shipment of your ATM CARD.

Contact Person: Tom Smith
E-mail contact: scamvictimdepartment1998@gmail.com

Lastly, in receipt of your email and the required information’s above,
I shall forward your file to our International Remittance Department
for immediate processing and dispatch of your ATM Card to your
nominated address without any further delay.

Best Regards,

Dr.Moore Frank,
the Managing Director of the
Standard Charater Bank of Nigeria
Abuja Nigeria

Quelle conduite tenir lors de la réception de ce type de mail ?

Afin d’éviter toutes sortes de problèmes :

– ne répondez pas à ces mails

– ne les ouvrez pas

– n’envoyer jamais par mail des copies de vos documents officiels

Vous pouvez signaler gratuitement ces spams sur le service dédié existe : https://www.signal-spam.fr/. Vous trouverez des plugins pour vous messageries simplifiant la démarche de signalement.

Dans le cas où ce type de mail émanerait d’une entreprise ,n’hésitez pas à contacter l’établissement qui est à l’origine du mail avant de faire quoi que ce soit et à signaler le mail à l’adresse suivante : https://www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr et à en informer l’entreprise / l’organisme victime de ces escrocs.

Je vous conseille de consulter cette page qui vous donnera de nombreux conseils pour reconnaître des mails frauduleux.

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